Thursday, September 29, 2011

More Progress!

Total cost to date: $.75 since I used 2.5 sheets of posterboard....

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Front and back....

I've started on the upper torso.... So far, I've got the front and back bases of it cut out, and will be starting on the 'detail' stuff shortly.

Just the bases right now....

Monday, September 19, 2011

Leg Progress, and a minor tragedy

So the right leg is mostly completed, construction wise. I just need to make the kneecap area, and that'll be it for the right leg.... I covered the cardboard in duct tape to make a better surface to work on when I get to covering the whole shebang....

And I managed to bust my scissors while cutting the bottom part of the left foot/leg....

Just goes to show you that it's better to use the right tools for the job... I'll be getting an X-acto knife or cheapie kitchen knife some time within the next day to day and a half.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


It just occurred to me that I haven't posted reference pics.... Most of these are ganked from friends on facebook, since I still haven't gotten the hang of the image capture feature of my video player....

This one kinda gives an idea of the back area....

Kinda creepy, but this gives me a better idea of the area around the neck, and a better idea of what I could do with the bottom of the feet....

Headshots! :D

Multiple angles ftw. I still have to guess on the shape of things, but I do get a better idea of how everything fits together with shots like this.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

More Progress!

Now all I need to do is make the knees and the front half of each foot, and the lower legs will be done, construction-wise. :3

Friday, September 2, 2011

Finally! Progress

And to think, this is just one leg... I'll be disassembling what I've got done and tracing it for the other leg.

total cost is still $.60, because the cardboard for the legs was free.